What is creativity? To put in simple, new ideas or a new way to do things.But how do we be CREATIVE?
Only talented people are creative?
It maybe true, but actually it's all about sweat, blood, and tears of the person. Yes, it's the hard work and effort that person put into. It may be looked simple for those "talented" person to do task, but actually they have practiced for a long time to achieve that level.
Being creative is hard?
It maybe true, same thing here, it is depend on how much effort you've put into to work on your creative development. What HARD referred here is HOW LONG YOU CAN MAINTAIN TO WORK ON YOUR EFFORT.
Problems are in our life to make it more difficult?
Nope, it is problem who develops the creativity. As the lecturer said, LIFE IS ABOUT PROBLEM SOLVING. Whenever there's problem, we need to think of a way to solve, be it any way, to solve it creatively. If there's no problem, we human won't THINK. Human thinks because of facing problems.
I am not creative?
There's no such thing as people who has no creativity. As it mentioned before, it's all about hard work and effort; just like our body, if we exercise regularly, eventually our body will become fit and healthy; same goes to creativity and brain works, if we practice it regularly, the result will eventually unexpectedly. YOU CAN TRY IT YOURSELF!
Innovation is the domain of geniuses?
It may look what it seems~ but if you ask them HOW DO THEY GET THESE EXPERIENCES? Of course they'll tell you they've gone through hell lots of hardship and problem in order to achieve that level. FACE THE PROBLEM, LEARN IT, AND SOLVE IT!
I have to have a brand new ideas in order for me to be considered as creative?
Unfortunately... NO! THERE ARE NO NEW IDEAS! New ideas come from a combination of old concepts, and presented in a brand new package (JUST LIKE PACKAGE DESIGN! XD).
Brainstorming is hard work?
It maybe true also... but there are a lot of brainstorming techniques. If one doesn't work, try another one; if failed, AGAIN another one; failed again? AGAIN another one; what? still failed? AGAIN! AGAIN! and AGAIN! (You might find this scene really familiar: lots of bosses like to play golf in their office even it's working time, IT'S A KIND OF BRAINSTORMING TECHNIQUE! Some people tend to discover new ideas when they're doing something.)
Only artists need to be creative?
Unfortunately... NOO! again... Life is about problem solving. To solve a problem, you need to think of a solution, be it creative or not, the solution might result in creative way.
Using structured creative techniques will hinder my ability to be creative?
Unfortunately(what again?) NOOO! Everyone has their own preferred way of improving creativity. If method "A" doesn't work for you, try "B" then! THINK OF A WAY!