Create a passage/writing that describe the concept of Love based on Chili:
Although chili creates pain,
it creates excitements and thrills too,
it delights you and hurts you,
just like love.

Create a passage/writing that describe the concept of Life based on Candle:
Life is like a candle,
we born like lighting up the candle,
we live like burning the candle,
and we die like blow out the candle light;
We know that we're living now,
just like how the candle burns,
but we won't know when we'll die,
like how the wind or any other factors blow the candle light off.

Create a passage/writing that describe the concept of Love based on Coffee:
Love is like a cup of coffee,
it's bitter if you do not put in any effort in the relationship,
it's sweet if you clean the coffee beans or put in some sugar.

Create a passage/writing that describe the concept of Life based on Cards:
Life starts up simple like you're only holding 1 identity card of yourself,
but it getting hard and complex by having more cards like driving license, bank cards, club membership cards;
As you grow older, you started to hold even more cards like credit cards and health insurance cards,
but once you're dead, you're nothing but just a pile of cards with your names.

Create a passage/writing that describe the concept of Man & Woman based on Mortar & Pestle:
Man & Woman is like Mortar & Pestle,
they are different being,
yet they can't live without each other;
Man is like mortar,
keep on hit on girls like hitting on pestle;
Woman is like pestle,
feel excites whenever got guys hitting on them like create sounds when hit by mortar.